November 2021: Sao Paulo is opening up more

This week, for the first time in almost 2 years, São Paulo dropped all Covid restrictions in the state (except mask mandates). This is a huge improvement and now we just pray for God´s protection and for our personal boldness as we are out more. 

Yesterday we took the day to walk around our neighborhood and surrounding area. We told David it was going to be a long walk, but he was ready for it and did not complain, not even once, during our more than 2 hour walk. We went to the post-office, candy store (now you understand the no-complain part) and ate dinner in a local restaurant. But the highlight of the day was our interaction an elderly lady from church, that we met half way during our walk.

She is a sweet lady in her mid 80´s that uses a walker and asks her son to take her to church every Sunday evening. Her son is not a Christian – he drops her off at church and leaves – and we are trying to start a friendship with him, also. We had a wonderful time with her on the streets, she told us many stories and we spent some time praying together when we arrived at her apartment.

We miss in-person interactions like this. Those things just don´t happen easily like it used to in a life without Covid, a few years ago. We are praying with confidence in the Lord that 2022 will be different and that in-person social interactions and visitations will be ministries we will be able to do more often and without fear of the virus.

More about the Parsonage project:
Good News BC is very excited to build a pastoral apartment for our Brazilian Pastor, Messias, and his family. We told the church that we are not raising funds for this in the States because we are sure that our churches and supporters want to see them taking this financial challenge on their own. We are encouraging them that it will be a blessing and a testimony to see them doing this with dedication and love for their pastor. The goal is for Messias and his family to move to this apartment (which will be in the church building) next year. Keep praying!

Back lot of the property:
One project though, that we want to raise funds for, is to build a social open-air area in the back lot property of the church. Please take a look at the pictures in this letter to see the space we already have. Right now the back property is not pretty, nor safe for children and families. We need construction machinery to level the ground and  we need to pave it. Then we may put a small soccer area and just a free space for activities. We want to transform that big space in a social space for fellowship and for outreach activities in the neighborhood. Would you consider donating towards this project? We would like to raise $5,000 for this by God´s grace. Would you help us with any amount? 

Mission Focus Day:
This coming Sunday we have a special day to challenge the church to think about missions in both the morning and evening services. All the teaching times will be focused on missions with a special highlight on the 6 missionaries that Good News BC supports. Cynthia and I are very happy to guide the church organizing the mission’s department of the church and starting a “missions committee” (something that most of the churches do not have, nor know how to do here). All the while, passing on to them the good examples we see from our churches in the States. Praise the Lord because you are teaching a mission’s mindset to the Brazilians as well.

Deacon´s elections:
Since Good News BC lost her former pastor about 2 years ago we don´t have deacons established. Now we are planning to vote on deacons for the next year and we are talking to some of the potential candidates and challenging them. Please pray that some spiritually strong men can step up to fill this responsibility of deaconship.

Revelations Study:
The Revelations study in our adult Sunday School class is going really well. We are almost done the entire book. Next is the last part of chapter 19 with Odir teaching on Sunday, November 14th on Christ´s second coming!

Christmas Cantata:
Yes, we are doing it and yes, I (Odir) am participating in it for the first time! I don´t sing well, but I love to sing. Pray for us.

Open doors:
We praise God for how he is challenging us to provide counseling to people battling in the sin of pornography. Please pray for us as we are studying lots and having more than one opportunity to help others.

Thanksgiving with our Field Team:
We are going to the beach for 3 days with our ABWE field team and some other friends. Thanksgiving Day is not a holiday in Brazil, but we have the tradition of celebrating together as a team. 😊

New Support:
Another prayer request is for our financial support level. We lost some individual supporters. Pray with us because we would love to see more individuals and churches to step aboard in faith. We rejoice in your sacrifices and prayers towards us!

Continue on the internet:
As always, if you are, by any means, “tech-savvy”, please find us on Facebook (Private Page name is: Brandaos in Brazil) or Instagram (@ocbrandao) to keep in touch and follow more frequent updates about our life and ministry.

Check out some ministry photos in the side bar or at the end of your email. 

May our powerful Savior continue to bless you and your family according to His perfect will and for His glory.

Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
PO Box 8585
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8585

Sending Church:
Hope Baptist Church
Galloway, Ohio