April 2022: The start of a new youth group and a premarital class

We were taking a family walk recently downtown when we realized it was the first time in years that we didn’t wear our masks outside in crowded areas. After so much time, now it feels odd to not use masks instead of using them! Anyhow, we are thankful to our great God for protection and some sense of normality.
Please take a look at what is happening in our lives in the several topics below. We count on your prayers!
Pre-marital counseling: Odir is doing pre-marital counseling sessions with a young adult couple: Andre and Victoria. Some of you will recognize Andre because he spent some weeks with us in Ohio in 2019. Their wedding is coming up on May 21st and to our surprise and joy, Odir was also invited to perform the wedding ceremony. What an honor and responsibility! Another childhood friend will also be getting married and we were invited to be in the wedding (Odir as a groomsman and Cynthia as a bridesmaid) and Odir will also do pre-marital counseling with this other couple, too.

Saturday Youth Ministry: We met a young teenage guy with his single mom. They recently started to attend Good News BC. Immediately we started a good friendship with them, they invited us to their house, and we spent a whole day talking and eating some amazing Brazilian fish at their house. Through all of this, Odir and the teenage boy got really connected and we saw this as a push from God to finally start the youth ministry we were praying about. For now, ages are 18 and up and we are aiming to reach out to 7 young adults that are sporadically attending the church services but not really committed yet. A next phase is to invite teens from ages 15 and up to also join this group.

Sunday School time:We are so encouraged by what God is doing. Morning Sunday Schools are in full swing- kids are loving it, teachers are committed and we have a big attendance of 40 or more each Sunday. As a couple, we are teaching together a “biblical fundations” class, talking about baptism (which is a big curiosity topic for kids), but especially confirming their understanding on what salvation is through Jesus Christ. We have 8 students ages range from 9 to 15.
Evening Services: attendance in our evening services are improving. We are constantly challenging our group to participate more because it is the only time in which people can be fed by the expository preaching of the Bible- our mornings are only for Bible School time and some devotionals. Praise the Lord because we are also seeing some new visitors coming. Pastor Messias and Odir started a series on Genesis. Our goal is to preach the whole book along the coming years, intercalating it with some breaks in smaller series through the New Testament.
Ladies Group: Cynthia is also loving to spend some Bible time with the ladies. Two of the ladies regularly attending are not from church and we see open opportunities for the Gospel. The group is also getting more involved with the Baptist women’s association, which is really encouraging them.
Resuming Wednesday Prayer Meetings: Back in 2021, when the pandemic was a bit better, we started weekly prayer meetings at Good News BC. However, we had to stop when Covid numbers went up again. Now we can finally restart and have set the day to be on May 4th. We are inviting a new couple coming to the church to help us with this ministry.
Parsonage Apartment: Pastor Messias and his family moved to the new apartment on the church property. There are still lots of improvements to be made in the house, but they are beyond happy to stop paying rent elsewhere. 
Easter is here: we are, right now, making preparations for the Easter Service. Cynthia is singing a special song with the cantata group. Also pray as Odir prepares a sermon on the resurrection of Christ and the salvation He brings!
New Life BC: Odir is back to preaching once a month at New Life, the church we first served when we were on the field from 2015 to 2017. We love the relationship we have with them and how both churches (New Life and Good News) are connected (they are only 25 minutes apart).
New ministry website: Yes, we have a new website! Could you help us? Please share this new website with as many people as possible in your circles. We are confident that God can do amazing things through unexpected ways. Check it out: brandaos.com

We thank you for your many prayers! Enjoy a glance into our life in Brazil through some pictures. 

Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
PO Box 8585
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8585

Sending Church:
Hope Baptist Church
Galloway, Ohio