We were blessed with unexpected opportunities to serve God these past few months. A big highlight was the end of the pre-marital counseling Odir was giving to a young couple and also the privilege to officiate their wedding and preach at the ceremony… [click below to continue reading this letter]
April 2022: The start of a new youth group and a premarital class
We were taking a family walk recently downtown when we realized it was the first time in years that we didn’t wear our masks outside in crowded areas. After so much time, now it feels odd to not use masks instead of using them! Anyhow, we are thankful to our great God for… [click below to continue reading this letter]
January 2022: Happy New Year!
2022 is here and with it, lots of plans and new year resolutions. We want to serve more and better our Lord Jesus Christ, we want to be a blessing to Brazilians in any simple and possible way, we want to help the local church to move forward on her mission to evangelize the lost and make disciples. By the way, our church here in São Paulo is called… [click below to continue reading this letter]